01756 749916

Meet the team

Based in Yorkshire, Offtree supply high quality yarns, accurate delivery dates, regular reproducible quality at competitive prices throughout the UK.
Peter Andrews
“I founded Offtree Ltd in 1998 following a 30 year career at Coats Viyella PLC, where I travelled extensively in both Eastern and Western Europe. I dealt in both natural and synthetic fibres, tops and yarns for all types of end products . I learnt a huge amount from exposure to Coat’s worldwide manufacturing base.

Offtree will continue to grow thanks to our close connections with UK textile companies, valued customers abroad and our strong commitment to customer service."
David Thornton
David Joined Offtree in 2006 after 25 years in production management and yarn manufacturing. 

“I really enjoy meeting all the people involved in the textile industry in the UK as well as spinners abroad. 

For Offtree my role is solving technical problems, developing the best value supply routes for a particular yarn type and dealing with all the commercial aspects of the company.”
John Quarmby
John has extensive textile experience spanning over 35 years, working at Camira for over 30 years.

“Through my energy and commitment, I have come a long way since I started my textile career in 1987 at Thomas Carr woollen yarn spinners as an apprentice carding engineer.

I have expertise in wool fibre, woollen spinning, worsted spinning and polyester/ polypropylene processing. I have travelled extensively collaborating and building excellent relationships with many textile companies over the years, assessing and auditing to ensure due diligence and that they comply to ethical, social and environmental regulations.”

Have a question about the products or services we offer? 

We would love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have
Contact us
Office Address
The Old School House, Coniston Cold, Nr Skipton, North Yorkshire BD23 4EA
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